Presentation & Hand-Outs from Social Media Week (SMWHH 2018)
How can you measure and optimize the success of your Social Media activities? (Presentation & Hand-Outs in German only)
This was a presentation I held on the Social Media Week Hamburg (28.02.2018), titled: “Was kommt nach dem ‘Like’?” (What’s beyond the ‘Like’?)
Brands and companies are hoping to be closer to their consumers with Social Media. For more awareness and long-term relationships. But Social Media has grown up. Consumers have raised their expectations in brand offerings or are ignoring brands altogether. Marketing executives in turn want to know what Social Media delivers to business and marketing goals.
The presentation isn’t so much about content Best Practices, but about a system to measure and continuously optimize the own Social Media activities.
Presentation “Was kommt nach dem ‘Like’?”
Download the presentation here (PDF)
KPIs Interaction
A brief cheat sheet to explain the Interaction KPIs used to analyze Social Media performance.
The SEE-THINK-DO-CARE Framework (Handout as part of presentation)
As part of the presentation I am using the SEE-THINK-DO-CARE framework to align consumer needs, content, (Social Media) touchpoints and KPIs. Here’s a neat little sheet to fill yourself.
Download SEE-THINK-DO-CARE framework sheet (PDF)
KPI ideas – per selected channel
Some recommendations on which KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to be used for selected Social Media channels.
Download Social Media Channel KPIs here (PDF; German)